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  2. GABAergic local interneurons shape female fruit fly response to mating songsYamada D, Ishimoto H, Li X, Kohashi T, Ishikawa Y and Kamikouchi A. Group of Neural CircuitJournal of Neuroscience. 24 April 2018, 3644-17; doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3644-17.2018Publisher Link
  3. Identification of Animal Behavioral Strategies by Inverse Reinforcement LearningYamaguchi S, Honda N, Ikeda M, Tsukada Y, Nakano S, Mori I and Ishii S. Group of Molecular NeurobiologyPLoS Comput Biol. 14(5): e1006122 (2018)Open Access
  4. Satiety behavior is regulated by ASI/ASH reciprocal antagonismDavis KC, Choi YI, Kim J and You YJ Group of Genetic and Metabolic Regulation of BehaviorScientific Reports 8:6918, 2018. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-24943-6Open Access
  5. Rapid Integration of Multi-copy Transgenes Using Optogenetic Mutagenesis in Caenorhabditis elegansNoma K. and Jin Y. Group of Nutrious NeurologyG3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics. 8 (6): 2091-2097Open Access
  6. SLO potassium channels antagonize premature decision making in C. elegansAoki I, Tateyama M, Shimomura T, Ihara K, Kubo Y, Nakano S and Mori I. Group of Molecular NeurobiologyCommunications Biologyvolume 1, Article number: 123 (2018) Open Access


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